A associates of Best Value Europe


Ingrid van Oers (KPN)

Metrics: Active in Best Value since: 2013, Number of BV projects: 9 as bid manager for KPN, Client side: 0, Vendor side: 20+ advise/coach at KPN, Number of BV trainings/workshops: 50.

Ingrid van Oers has more than 15 years of experience in the ICT industry, since 2009 at KPN as a bid manager. In 2013 she came across Best Value in a large ICT tender and became very interested in the Best Value approach. Since 2013 she has done 9 Best Value projects in the bid managers role (vendor side). Besides that she is part of the virtual Best Value team within KPN, she fulfilled an advisory/coaching role in more than 20 Best Value projects and has done more than 50 training sessions within KPN with in total more than 600 participants. Ingrid is A+ certified.